Sunday, October 12, 2008

Game 2: Detroit-3 Ottawa-2

I used to love my DVR. I could record an entire hockey game while I worked, and then when my work was out of the way, I could play the game, fast-forwarding through the commercials and intermissions, finishing the game not far behind the conclusion of the actual game. It worked out beautifully. Until last night.

I set the DVR to record the game, then went out with some friends. When I got back, I put on the game and everything was fine. Franzen scored on a wicked shot from the circle to tie the game at 2-2. The Wings were flying, the Sens were on their heels, and it looked like it was going to be an exciting finish. Then, with the final minutes ticking down, the picture froze and this little blue box popped up informing me that the recording had finished. I was stunned. Never had this happened before. I looked at the clock on my microwave only to see that it was after 10 o'clock; the game, which had started at 7 was long over. I immediately went on the Red Wings Web site and found out that they had beaten Ottawa 3-2 on a Franzen goal. So I went on You'Tude to see if I could locate video footage, but came up empty.

Now none of this would have happened if I'd gone the traditional route and used a VHS tape to record the game. I've never had a VHS tape shut off halfway through the 3rd period of a game and tell me, "That's it. Sorry." And with the DVR, I can't take something I recorded on one TV and watch it on another. VHS wins in this regard, too. In fact, I still have taped games from the late 90s in my closet. Sure, the picture isn't all that great, and there might be a few squiggly lines running through Scotty Bowman's forehead, but I have a complete game that I can take with me and watch anywhere anytime. But, alas, the VHS tape, just like the casette tape, is now obsolete. And what we're left with sucks.

Reed's Rundown

  • Is Franzen a freak or what? I don't think last year's streak of 27 goals in 27 games was a fluke. This guy is going to win the Rocket Richard trophy this year, mark my words.
  • I'm glad Babcock reunited Zetterberg and Datsyuk on the same line. Considering the way they played together last season, I was actually shocked that he separated them in the first place. There are no two players in the league who have the kind of chemistry Pav and Hank share. Now I just hope Babcock keeps them together.
  • Speaking of Zetterberg, I could not believe the abuse he took last night. Actually, I can. You know why? Because Detroit doesn't have an enforcer. I just wonder how long they're going to let their skill players get beat up before they go out and pick up someone who can put a stop to it. At least bring Downey back up.
  • From what I saw before my DVR took a dump, Ozzie looked pretty solid. As long as he continues to keep the Wings in the game, the offense will eventually catch fire.

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